Adrenals and Energy, Revitalised with Herbs and Nutrients


Do you want to have more energy? Are you feeling so sluggish and tired it is hard to get through the day? If so the naturopathic approach may be just the answer you need to help you feel vital and full of the zest of life.


There are numerous reasons for feeling low in energy. There may be mental health problems, hormonal imbalances, adrenal gland problems, infections, or other physical complaints, that are contributing to general lethargy. Naturopaths are able to help identify these and show you how best to support your body for great energy.


Diet & Nutrition can increase or deplete energy

A diet high in damaging foods and drinks and low in nutrients that support health will result in low energy, and a host of problems for your body.  Deficiencies of nutrients such as water, high quality fats, Enzyme co Q10, B vitamins, iron, vitamin C and magnesium can result in poor energy production.


B vitamins, Enzyme Co Q10, Vitamin C and magnesium

B vitamins are essential for energy production, and to cope with stress. Enzyme Co Q10 is also vital for energy production [1-3]; this is also likely to be low if you have any heart or circulation problems [4] or bleeding gums. Certain medications such as Statins, used to lower cholesterol, and Metformin used to lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes, cause depletion of Enzyme co Q10, resulting fatigue [4, 5]. Vitamin C and magnesium are also needed for stress management and are important for the health of your adrenal gland.


The role of the adrenal glands

The adrenal glands help us manage stress as they produce a hormone called cortisol. Small increases of cortisol are a natural response to short term stressful events. However, elevated cortisol levels from prolonged or chronic stress can cause weight gain, fatigue, muscle weakness, mental exhaustion, lower immunity, and chronic physical and mental disease states.


Herbs and nutrients that support your adrenal glands to produce only the amount of cortisol your body needs play a significant part in the naturopathic treatment of low energy.


Five herbs: Liquorice, Rhodiola, Schisandra, Siberian Ginseng, and Rehmannia, which support the function of the adrenal gland and help combat fatigue are described below.  Scientific evidence shows the herbs Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra, and Siberian Ginseng, increase endurance and mental performance [67].


Liquorice - botannical name: Glycyrrhiza glabra

Liquorice, a familiar sounding herb, though not the sugary confectionary,  helps to support the adrenal gland, helping to decrease excessive cortisol [8]. Studies show it also boosts immunity [9-11], decreases inflammation, helps heal ulcers, and may increase memory [12]. Concerns regarding Liquorice increasing blood pressure have been made, however, at small doses such as in this herbal medicine it will not cause any increase in blood pressure [13].


Schisandra - botannical name Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra is widely used in Russia where it is an official medicinal remedy; it has been shown to increase physical working capacity and protects against stress. Like Liquorice it decreases excess cortisol and decreases fatigue helping you to have more physical and mental stamina [14]. It also helps immunity [15], breathing, cardiovascular, digestive complaints, and many mental health problems [14].


Rhodiola - botannical name: Rhodiola rosea

Both traditional use and recent research shows Rhodiola is effective for combating fatigue, and improving mood [1617181920]. One study found the stimulating effect occurred within thirty minutes and continued for about five hours [21]. Rhodiola rosea has been found not only to improve energy but to repair nerve cells associated with depression [22].

For many people stress triggers addictive urges. For some this may take the form of over-eating [23], for others  avoidance of food [24], smoking [25], or recreational drug use [26]. These can all result in poor energy. Some very new research has shown that Rhodiola rosea can help in reducing all of these stress related behaviours [23242625].


Siberian Ginseng - botannical name: Eleutherococcus senticosa

Siberian Ginseng helps many functions of the adrenal gland, and has been shown to decrease physical and mental fatigue [27, 28]. It also helps balance the production of cortisol so just the right amounts are produced according to needs [27]. Via the adrenal gland it helps to decrease excessive increases in blood pressure [29].


Siberian Ginseng also helps the liver to detoxify; it has been show to help decrease Cadmium in the liver [30], one of the toxic components of cigarettes.


Rehmannia - botannical name: Rehmania glutinosa

Rehmannia reduces fatigue by acting on the liver and reducing lactic acid in the blood [31]. It also has an effect on the adrenal glands to help the body use glucose which lowers blood sugar levels [32]. Rehmannia is a Traditional Chinese Medicine used to increase physical strength, it has now been shown to effect the way the body makes fat cells and may be helpful in obesity [33].


All these herbs can be combined in one formula.


Many other herbs that improve energy

There are many other herbs that improve energy by strengthening other parts of the body that are depleting energy. Each herbal medicine is tailor made to your individual requirements to support your body to gain the best possible health and vitality.


Contact Bay Health Clinic today to find out more about herbal medicine that can be tailored to your personal needs and to book your Naturopathic consultation; call 07 571 3226 or email us:



Entire Katoa Food State Vitamin B complex

Entire Katoa Food State Antioxidants plus co-Q 10



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