Which Rice Can Cause Type 2 Diabetes?


There is a common misconception that all types of rice are health-giving. In fact this is far from true; recent research shows much of the rice eaten nowadays is destructive to health and can trigger disease. In contrast, the rice that was predominantly eaten in ancient times rejuvenates the body and provides nutrients which protect against disease.


Important nutrients

This ancient rice, commonly known as Brown Rice; has the potential to provide you with important nutrients such as magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium   [123456]. White rice lacks these nutrients.


Type 2 diabetes

White rice is now recognised as major cause of type 2 diabetes [7]. The more white rice you eat, the greater the risk [8-10]. In countries where white rice is the main starchy carbohydrate it is a major risk factor [11]. If you eat white rice only occasionally you may be thinking you are safe, however, that is not the case. It is the total affect of all the refined (white) grain which is found in bread, pies, biscuits which contribute to increasing your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol [11].  Refined grains also make it harder for your body to stabilise blood sugar levels if you already have type 2 diabetes [11, 12]. Brown rice is the best option for people with diabetes, high blood sugar levels and of course for all those who want to avoid those conditions [13].


Preparation and Phytates

Preparation makes a huge difference to the nutrient content. Traditionally people throughout the world would soak the rice at least overnight, but often longer as part of a natural fermentation process.


We now know that substances called phytates or phytic acid present in grains are broken down by soaking in water for at least for 12 hours. If the grains are not soaked, the phytates will remove magnesium, iron, calcium, and zinc. In addition, the phytates affect the B vitamins so these too become depleted. Soaking gets rid of a large part of the phytates, while cooking gets rid of a smaller amount. So ideally do both. Soaking also helps digestion [14], bowels [14] and energy.


It may be easier for you and your family to make the change to brown rice than you think. In one study after hearing about the nutritional advantages people were willing to change from white to brown rice [15], and also seemed happy with the different slightly more chewy taste [152].


Contact Bay Health Clinic today to find out more or to book a consultation with one of our Naturopaths; if needed they will also prepare tailored herbal medicines and recommend supplements to help you feel your best.  Call 07 571 3226 or email us: ask@bayhealth.nz



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