Detoxification for the New Year


The festival of feasting has now well and truly past, the last bit of cake and chocolate has finally gone-phew what a relief! At last no more excuses! You can move on to a natural Detox with plain simple natural food. Fruit and vegetables are nature’s multi vitamin and minerals. What better way to restore a body, which has been drained of nutrients from excess alcohol, sugar and over-rich food, than with crisp and crunchy fruits and terrific salads packed with lots of vegetables?

Protein should not be forgotten as it too plays a vital part in stimulating and restoring a sluggish metabolism. So include organic meat, fish, eggs, nuts or vegetarian protein combinations such as beans with grains or beans with seeds.

Water, water and more water, will revive and detoxify every part of your body. Water is the vehicle that carries the nutrients we all need, across the cell wall of each of the billions of cells in our body. Water provides the only way the waste products can leave the cell, trucking the unwanted products across the cell wall to be excreted by the body. Water is the essential ingredient to all Detox regimes. It is the simplest way to give your health a boost on every level. In the summer water is even more important to avoid dehydration.  Always drink it plain and still, don’t give your body extra work to do in having to filter it out of other substances, such tea, coffee and other drinks.

Summer is an inspiring time to exercise. We are so fortunate here in the Bay of Plenty to have the opportunity to exercise for little or no cost. Walking, cycling and swimming are fantastic for improving fitness at any level. You don’t have to be fast but going at a pace to make you slightly breathless will always reap benefits, the longer you can exercise the better. We don’t often think of breathing as a form of detoxification but that one of its less appreciated roles. Even 20 minutes a day will make a difference, but try to build up to an hour a day of exercise.

There are many ways to detoxify, energise the body and loose weight. Starting with the basics of no sugar, no alcohol, outdoor exercise, water, water and more water gives you a good start and will help you generally feel better. These basics form part of most detoxifying regimes, whether mini fasts, herbal detoxifying treatments or are part of a metabolic typing programme. 

Original Article January 2009
Copyright Jaine Kirtley