Ways to Get More Minerals from Grains


The nutrients from food are the building blocks for your body; they literally keep you alive.

The level of nutrients in raw food is part of the key to getting the nutrients we need, however the way food is prepared can affect the availability of the nutrients in food.

In New Zealand the way most grains are eaten can cause depletion of magnesium, iron, calcium, and zinc. Wheat, barley, oats, quinoa, rye, spelt, amaranth, rice, millet, and buckwheat are all grains. The foods most likely to contain grains are bread, pastry, pasta, biscuits, cakes, and muffins.

For hundreds or thousands of years people throughout the world would soak the grains as part of the preparation. The grains were soaked at least overnight, but often longer as part of a natural fermentation process.

We now know that substances called phytates or phytic acid present in grains are broken down by soaking in water at least for 12 hours. If the grains are not soaked for this time the phytates will deplete the body of magnesium, iron, calcium, and zinc.

All these nutrients are essential for health. Low levels of these nutrients are involved in numerous health problems. Fermentation or soaking gets rid of a large part of the phytates, cooking gets rid of a smaller amount.

Soaking also helps general digestion, bowels health and helps increase energy.

Soak all grains over night with water then throw out that water. You can then add more water for cooking the grains. By one simple action at no cost you have increased your nutrients.

If I do use supplements I recommend the Entire Katoa Food State range for the optimum absorption, low dose and low toxicity.


Original Article July 2014

Copyright Jaine Kirtley