The Answer is Cut Out Sugar


A very popular and funny completion has been running every week for years on a UK radio show. The competition is called "The Answer is Ipswich"; every week the competition poses a different question every week the correct answer is Ipswich, which refers to Ipswich Town Football Club. You would think that every contestant who calls in would get the right answer, however despite the long years this has been running people still fail to get the correct answer so do not win the prize.

What has this got to do with health? Often we fail to realise just how simple it can be to improve our health. This week I will run a competition called “The Answer is Cut Out Sugar” the prize is a bottle of the Entire Katoa Food State Magnesium.

As I have mentioned before Food State magnesium has far greater absorption than other supplements. Magnesium helps reduce anxiety, depression, sugar cravings, helps stabilize blood sugar levels, relaxes muscles, strengthens bones and has a host of other helpful actions unfortunately this column does not have space for all.  Let me know if you want more information.

The competition question is “What cost-free change can you make to reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and mental health problems?” Competition prizes will be given to the first 3 people to email or call me with the correct answer.


Sorry this competition has now closed. Go onto our newsletter list for you can hear about any new competitions (we may even run this one again!).


Original Article May 2014

Copyright Jaine Kirtley


ReferencesHawksbee & Jacobs "The answer is Ipswich".