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Jaine Kirtley's Thoughts

I am strongly anti-discrimination in any form, I do do not want to see the 2 tier divide which the government wants to become a reality in this country. 

So I will not be disclosing my jab status.

I fully support personal choice in healthcare.

Human knowledge evolves over time. If we are fortunate as a society, we remember past observations and decide not to repeat actions which were detrimental, and we keep doing the things that helped society.

Science is not an end point. It is a process of continuous observation and reflection. Scientific knowledge evolves over time. The scientific knowledge on the “jab” is evolving.


Now, in 2021, the decision to have a “jab” or to not have a “jab” is based on incomplete scientific knowledge. Why incomplete? Because “time” is a crucial part of any scientific research.


We simply have not had the time factor to complete the vast body of research we need to make a fully informed decision.


In New Zealand today people who choose not to have the “jab” are being discriminated. The government wants a “two tier” society. Kind, caring people are losing this week jobs including Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Social Workers, Teachers, and many others. These are not stupid people.


These are people who care about health and welfare. Their decision is just different to the government decision.


I stand strong with my Nursing colleagues, and many of us with decades of experience, who oppose mandatory jabs.


I always done my upmost not to place a strain on health services and hospitals and I continue to do so.


I have never supported any form of discrimination and have no intension of supporting or colluding with discrimination now.

Superbug Infections Triggered by the Overuse of Antibiotics

May 25th 2015

The NZ Society of Naturopaths Express Concern about The Increase in MRSA Superbug Infections Triggered by the Overuse of Antibiotics


The New Zealand Society of Naturopaths
Media Release 17th July 2012

by Jaine Kirtley PR Spokesperson for NZSN




Environmental Science and Research has just issued a report stating the  prevalence of MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) in New Zealand has increased significantly over the last 10 years (2002-2011), cumulating in a massive 37.0% increase between 2010 and 2011; the largest single-year rise during the last 10 years.




MRSA known as Superbugs are infections resistant to antibiotics. MRSA evolved through the overuse of antibiotics by the community as a whole. These superbugs mutate and have become resistant to each new generation of antibiotics. This means new and more powerful antibiotics have to be made, in the short term this works; the problem is that over time the bacteria becomes resistant to the newer antibiotics.


This potential bacterial time bomb has been known to exist for over 20 years. The solution does not lie in more and more pharmaceutical antibiotics. The increase both worldwide and in New Zealand demonstrate the current medical approach is not working.

Overuse of pharmaceutical antibiotics by the general population and by individuals exacerbated by poor hygiene, continues to trigger the proliferation of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Even an individual who does use antibiotics is at risk due to the overuse of antibiotics by the general population.


The NZSN urge the government and all doctors to set real targets for the decreasing the use of pharmaceutical antibiotics. At present antibiotics are prescribed for minor complaints. The NZSN only support the use of pharmaceutical antibiotics where bacterial infections are life-threatening or in situations where permanent damage would be caused if the antibiotic were not taken; where possible natural methods should be used first.


The NZSN also urge any doctors prescribing antibiotics to also prescribe a course of probiotics to be taken immediately after the antibiotic as pharmaceutical antibiotics kill off not only the harmful bacteria but also the bacteria which boosts health and immunity. The depletion of the helpful bacteria after a course of pharmaceutical antibiotics makes the individual more prone to further infection.


Naturopaths use a combination of diet, nutrients, herbal medicine and lifestyle changes as well as traditional naturopathic remedies such as hot and cold packs and poultices to combat infections.


Reference    http://www.surv.esr.cri.nz/PDF_surveillance/Antimicrobial/MRSA/aMRSA_2011.pdf


Jaine Kirtley

Email:   jainePR@naturopath.org.nz
Phone: 07 542 1364



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